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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Legend of Tooth Kingdom

Today we talked a lot about teeth and how to keep them healthy. Your child is bringing home a toothbrush, book, and tooth log to record their brushing habits. After one month of perfect brushing, your child can bring the log back to school for a special surprise!

We also introduced counting by 2's. Although this is not a skill that will be tested on the fourth quarter assessment (like counting by 5's and 10's), it's important for them to become familiar with it. We cheered "2, 4, 6, 8, Who do we appreciate?" (MANY cheered out MOM!) ;)

The PM class went to the computer lab and learned a new game called Word Build and Bank. We will begin a more focused study of word families ("chunks" at the end of a word, like "at" in cat). This fun game is available online for FREE! Visit http://www.readwritethink.org/materials/wordbuild/ ! The AM class will learn this game on Thursday.

Don't forget to visit Max and Erma's tonight for our PTA fundraiser! 20% of purchases go to our school... just remember to mention Brookdale to your server. Hope to see you there!

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